
Is my pregnancy a failure?

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I had my last period July 1st, on aug 2nd my HCG levels were 97, Aug 4th they were 283 and my last test on Aug 11th they were 3,301. Yesterday I went for an ultrasound and the tech did an abdominal on me and said he couldnt see anything other then the pergnancy was in my uterus. Today my Dr sent me back for a transvaginal ultrasound, and the tech told me that the only thing he can see is a sac and a yolk, but no fetal pole. He said it may be too early to see it, but Im 6 weeks pregnant, and no fetal pole, so does this mean Im going to miscarry?




  1. No I would not worry it sounds fine.  They say at 7 weeks they should see the fetal pole.  The sac and yolk is a great sign.  I went in at 7 weeks and they only saw the sac, then again at 8 and only the sac and yolk.  I miscarried at 9.5 weeks.  Seeing the sac and yolk at 6 weeks is good.  Next week they should see the fetal pole.  Try not to worry yourself to death.

  2. i wld say wait til you're 8 weeks...sometimes its too small to see anything opther than the sack.

  3. No it doesnt mean you will miscarry. the baby is just too small to see anything. 6 weeks is kind of early. Sometimes a ultrasound can pick up the baby and other times its too small to tell. You should definitely see something at 8-10 weeks and you should even see a heartbeat then. Dont panic.

    I seen a heartbeat and everything at 8 weeks.

    Congrats and Good luck! :)

  4. I would say you could very well still be just fine.  I had something very similar happen during my current pregnancy.  Over a week or so, all they could see was a sac that was growing, but nothing inside.  I even ended up in surgery because they were certain it was ectopic with a pseudo sac.  4 days after surgery, I went back to the doc and had a repeat sono and there was a baby with a heartbeat.  

    I also had a slow starter with my older daughter.  And she turned out just fine.  I was scared because I had had 3 previous losses before her.

    It is very possible that it is still to early.  You may have ovulated a little later than you think.  That is what happened with me.  I would expect that they would want to see you back in about a week for another sonogram.

    Best of luck!

  5. I think you will be okay, 6 weeks is awfully early to be doing an ultrasound. Most doctors want to wait until 8 weeks, so you can actually see more.

  6. i dont think that your prenancy is a failure. just remember, that just like every child grows at its own pace,so does a pregnancy. if your dr isnt worried, dont be. im sure you will have a healhty baby in your arms by this time next year! congras and good luck

  7. Hi. Your HCG levels are great. I am 6 weeks pregnant and my OBGYN said she could take U/s only after 8 weeks. I think Seeing the Sac and Yolk is a very good sign. Do not worry much and enjoy the pregnancy.

  8. i've never heard of a fetal pole.  if  your hcg levels are still rising, you're still pregnant!  i've never heard of a fetal pole.  at this stage, the fetus is the size of a grain of rice.  maybe your tech needed to clean his glasses...or the baby was too small to be seen.  don't worry too much now.  take another home test in a couple days and see what it says!

  9. Don't stress too much about it.... I was told the same thing up until week 8 when they finally saw what they needed to see. I'm 24 weeks as of tomorrow with a healthy baby girl!

  10. No it's just too early. No need to fret. Good luck and Congrats!

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