
Is my probation officer full of it??

by  |  earlier

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today was my day to be released... she said im still on til the paper work clears?? so it could be until september it sounds like **** to me my release date on paper is today




  1. Release dates on paper don't really matter. If you were in prison and had a paper that said you were to be released on Friday, but the prison staff said that they didn't have anything saying that... you paper wouldn't mean sh*t and it doesn't in this case either.

    Perfect example:

    Your license gets suspended for 6 months. You figure 6 months from that day, but that doesn't mean that will be the day your license is good. Even if a judge says your license is suspended for 90 days and you count 90 days from then. Your not legally supposed to drive again until the paperwork goes through and your state's motor vehicle agency sends you notification that you're re-instated. It wouldn't matter if you were suspended for 90 days and you got pulled over 100 days later. If the paperwork has not been processed and you have not received wriiten notification that you're good, you're not, yet.

    Hope this helps.

  2. it sounds like you are full of it

  3. I spent three days in jail, and lost my job after my parole officer told me I was done with parole. A police officer that new my case later that day saw me leaving a bar and when he ran my name it came back that i was still under parole supervision and off to jail I went. It took 1 +1/2 days for the paper work to reach my officer and another 1+1/2 days for him to get me released so I think you need to believe what she told you and wait it out!

  4. She is right, until the paperwork goes through that clears you. You're still on the hook.

  5. yes, your release date is already set,she doesn't set that the state does, tell her to suck a marble through a straw...

  6. I'm a P.O and you can have a release date now but as for you actually getting out that could take a little more time. If you have drug court, home inspection, halfway house, home arrest, etc these things take time to get going. So, if she said Sept it very likely could be. We get people out that night but it also depends on their charge.  

  7. Sounds like BS to me, but I would address it with another probation officer, or the courthouse. But, to be safe, I would be good, but also pressure her to get it done, since you shouldn't be on probation anymore, your debt is done, in my opinion.

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