
Is my punishment to harsh?

by Guest65027  |  earlier

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im asking this question again cause i got no answers last time which is strange normally i get a good response from you good people.i recently cheated on my girlfrined and i feel awful she said i made her feel stupid and very embarrassed,i said i will do anything to get her back,well she and her mates want to take my to a bar tie my up in the ladies and leave me there with my trousers and pants around my ankles so that every time the door opens it will be extremley embarrsssing for me mabey i desreve it i dont know




  1. do it

    it sounds like fun and your girlfriend would get arrested for it

    WARNING: if a guy sees you in there he may rape you

  2. oh, you totally deserve it. you deserve more than that.

    your getting off easy.    

  3. yes you do, anyone who cheats should never be taken back. Your a moron for doing it in the first place. I hope she smarts and kicks people like you to the Curb. You give guys a bad rap.

  4. You definitely deserve it!  Course, I'm a woman... so please, read the men's answers too... in fact, I want you to.  Just so you can realize that you choose sides.

  5. well it was really wrong of u to cheat on her but that is just stupid no one should have to do that and if she wants u to do that then shes so not worth it i mean wat kind of a punishment is that!

  6. yeah, dream on!

  7. If you're already cheating on her, I'd say it's time for you to move on and find the right person.  Things will most likely get worse between you two.

  8. I believe this is a test. They are testing your courage or willingness to do anything for your girlfriend.  

    PS: don't cheat, rather break-up!

  9. maybe the reason why people wont talk 2 u coz ur a compleate *** hole, u shud think carefully wot u av done if my m8ts ever found out that boyfriend had cheaded on me they wud do more than bar tie him in the ladies. obusally i dont no you and i should judge bu thats how i feel and if that hurts think how your girlfriend feels  

  10. If someone did that to a fella in my neck of the woods he'd probably get screwed all night!

    Go for it!

  11. You're lucky. If I was her, I would do that, leave you, and still not take you back. Shame on you.  

  12. Ok here's what I feel...

    YOU cheated which is not good at all on your part and now your girlfriend wants to punish you in this emabarrassing manner which is equally BAD!!!

      What is with you two??? are you both in love or is this just a casual fling.

      If you guys want your relationship to work then cut the c**p and start afresh. Sit together and analyse your relationship. Go for counselling if you have too.

       All the best to you both.

  13. I think its a light punishment, but then again I wouldn't stay with anyone of they cheated on me.

  14. you did it is a reasonable punishment,  you made her feel stupid so now its your turn..but you could ask them to take you to a bar faraway from where you live so the people there you wont know and never have to see again..

    also your lucky she didnt dump you. so have fun  

  15. You deserve it tbh, no offence. You probably broke her heart its just like a slap or saying 'you're not good enough' :) Do that light heartedly and buy her some flowers or something, she sounds a laugh + not worth losing! G'luck :) x

  16. well i think you should be grateful she didn't tell you where to go.and as for doing that i don't think its a good idea,you could end up being banned from pub and arrested.i don't think there could be anything yo u can do to make up for doing something like that  

  17. Yes you probably deserve it but i will not put my bf or the man i love in a situation that will extremely embarrass him. It would just be between me and him. She probably does not love you anymore. Maybe it is time to move on.

  18. sounds like wishful thinking

  19. See how fast you can run.....AWAY from her. Do not look back. She is cruel and could be dangerous!

  20. yeah,remember the saying dont do to others what you dont want to do unto you

  21. no way bro!

    that is messed up for them to ask you that

    you could easily get in trouble with the law

    not a very smart thing at all

    if you did this, your friends would have it on you for the rest of your life and how much of whipped sucker you are

  22. well you should have thought about that before you cheated on her...but dont worry because after that humilation you will be close to even. I think it's great that you would do something like that for her.It shows how much you care. But, the whole cheating thing kills it, so its not so amazing.

    Just keep in thought that you started it and it will be over soon.

    btw:Can you tell me how long you cheated?

    if you want.

  23. no you don't! i mean yeah what you did was wrong but if your serious about changing then she should give you that chance, not hurt you.

  24. ummmm.........

    thats wierd.

    you are a jerk for cheating, but she should jsut break up with you... how is doing that going to make ANYTHING better?

    or resolve anyhting

  25. That sounds very immature. Here's a crazy idea! How about talking about the situation with your girlfriend, letting her tell you what your cheating did to her, and start gaining her trust back by courting her again and you making a vow to yourself that you will keep it in your pants when other women are around. What is a punishment going to prove anyway? If revenge is your girlfriends way to feel better, by humiliating you, and you accept this ridiculous punishment, then I guess you deserve each other.

  26. I think if you cheated you deserve worst then that

    because you made her feel like she was trash

    and if you want her you need to do it

  27. No, not fair at all.  No matter how big a a*** you are for cheating on her, public humiliation means that she wants to hurt you - which sorry to say, is malicious.  There are good and honest ways of making it up to her, by always telling the truth and letting her know how sorry you are.  

    Not only is that childish, but it is highly degrading.

  28. Sounds like she wants you to cheat on her again. That's what would happen to me if I were tied up in the Ladies' Room with my pants around my ankles.

  29. you said anything didnt you ?

  30. aww how funny can i watch

  31. it doesnt fit the crime.  

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