
Is my puppy a boy or girl?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I got a puppy 6 weeks ago, and I do know the differents between the privates, but my puppr whom i thought was a boy doesn't have the boy private in the back, do they get it later or what?

he does have the front private...




  1. if its a boy you'll definitely see a p***s. If you just can't tell then you need to either ask the people you got the pup from or see a vet. Also boy dogs tend to lift one leg when peeing and girl dogs squat. if you haven't already taken your dog to the vet for a check up and shots, have the vet confirm gender.  

  2. male dogs always have a protruding member....testicles often don't descend until around 5-6 mos, or sooner in some animals.   It's easy to tell, ask your parents...

  3. shoudlnt you of checked this beofrE?

  4.     If he has the front privates, he's a male.  The back privates drop later on, around 5 months old.  So, don't worry, he's all boy.    

  5. Females privates are in the back near the r****m and males are near the middle of the stomach. Males dont start getting their b*lls for awhile they come later. You have a male dog.

  6. BOY

  7. if it was a boy his lil p would be there with his balls if you don't see it then its a girl you should be able to tell by features

  8. He is too young to be away from his mom.. His testicles should come down soon..  

  9. Take  him to the vet and find out. DUH!

  10. By "front private" do you mean p***s? This will be there from birth. The testicles (what I am guessing you mean by "back private" won't descend until he is at least 5 or 6 months old.

  11. since you have had your pup that long hasn't the vet been able to say. Some dogs don't get their testicles if that's what you are talking about for a few months but then sometimes there can be a problem so you may wnat to have a talk with your vet....

  12. If it doesn't have its "little man" hanging down, then it's a girl. :)

    Genital parts are there from birth, just like human babies.

  13. they get the "back part" when they're older

  14. we can't tell u like oo let me look into my cristal ball ask ur vet

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