
Is my rabbit pregnant ??

by  |  earlier

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a little while ago my male rabbit got in to my female rabbits run but i am not to sure of when it was as i can't remember. i couldn't be bothered to take any notice of it as one of the rabbits is a large breed and one in a smaller breed so me and my mum took no notice of it as we thought it wouldn't work, but now we are not so sure now as she has made a large nest in her hutch and this morning i let her out only to find that she had quite a bit of blood in her hutch. i have also noticed a little lump just under neath her chin please help i am staring to get worried because of the sizes of rabbits that got mated.

by the way if it helps

the female is a argent champagne rabbit


the male is a mini lop




  1. Size doesn't make any difference. I know someone who had a female giant lop and a male mini lop and they both managed to mate and had lots of babies.

    If she is nesting it is very likely she is pregnant and if there is blood in the hutch it suggests she has had the babies. There should be no other reason why she should be bleeding otherwise.

    You should try and see if there are any babies when she moves away from the nest. But, don't actually touch the nest and don't touch the babies!!

    Has her temprement changed and has she been pulling out fur to nest? This would all suggest that she has been pregnant.

    The lump under her chin could quite possibly be her dewlap, which is common in rabbits and is nothing to worry about. Here is a picture of what a dewlap would look like if you think it is something different then you should contact a vet.

    It would be wise to have both rabbits neutered and spayed to prevent any further unwanted pregnancies.

  2. Okay,the nest building is a sign plus the blood sort of is. The lump under her chin is called a "dewlap" this is what Does develop after or before having a litter,its simply a lump of fat,because when they pluck the fluff out for the nest their need something to keep warm & this is it.

    The different sizes WON'T make a difference it could be the other way round,they aren't the same as dogs,which can have problems with different sized dogs. Though if there is just blood & no young,call the vets as the young could be stuck inside her,this can/will kill the Doe.

    Rabbits gestation period last about 31 days & no less than 28 days.

    Really the bunny shouldn't produce ANY blood,before giving birth,at max only an hour before birth. To insure she is pregnant,gently feel her abdomen/stomach "between" her hind legs,if she is pregnant her belly will be taught & you should feel hard marble-ish sized lumps inside her,if not then it could be a "false or ghost pregnancy" though no blood would be apparent. If she is not between 28-34 days into her "pregnancy" or if there are no signs of labor please contact a vet straight away,as it could be life threating to her.

    Hope it all gos well. x*x

    p.s to "hey boys" rabbit pregnancy DOESN'T last between 30-45 days! That miles a part!

    **EDIT** It could be cysitis a bladder infection,this is fairly common,bu will the vets treatment. Or i she hasn't been bred before & is older than 2 years she could have problems with her womb,such as womb cancer or infections,its best if you take her to the vets to be checked out.

    She could very well be pregnant,have you done the test i have suggested?(e.g,feeling her belly)

    As this is how ALL rabbits pros,or vets tell if a bunny is pregnant or not.

    Thats okay as long as your bunny is diagnosed properly thats perfectly fine with me,you adding details!

    God,bl**dy duck! Just to make sure,you have felt the nest haven't you?? If theres absolutely nothing in the nest(remember to check RIGHT down deep,the babies could be just well hidden)

    Then she could be having a "False pregnancy(as mentioned above) & it could be possible that she has either got a bladder infection or a womb infection,in either cases,the vets would be needed,i suggest to take her to the vets,to rule out many infections or to treat them.

    Hope this has helped & just add some more posts to let me know for any more changes as i will check every day. x*x

  3. i thought my rabbit was pregnant once even though i had two females i though one of them could of been a male because one if them started making a nest  with lots of fur but then i realised she was moulting

  4. The size dosent matter. I would suggest you call a vet for advice since you dont know. Do not pick the female up if possible. Leave her nest alone. This nest is made out of her fur under her chin, so a bit of blood may be normal, although my girl didn't have any, just red skin.

    Rabbit pregnancies may last 30-45 days.

    Good luck!

    PS before the birth, you must have her in a silent, empty room inside in the same hutch she built her nest in.

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