
Is my rabbit pregnant with her son? who is also the son of her brother?

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Okayyy, i have three rabbits, two males and a female, when we found out the female was pregnant (with her brother gadds! supose they dont know any better though) we seperated them, she had six babies and we kept one. We keep the mother and son in one hutch and the dad in another. The son is four months old. he has sprayed all over the hutch and the mother is acting weird, when i went to pick her up and touched her stomach she attcked me and started squeking! Is it possible she is pregnant? What will the babies be like if they are doublee-lyy in bred?! Help me!





  1. Well normally it is fine to breed a mother to her son, or father to daughter, but if the parents were siblings....well I'm not sure how well that will go!! The babies could end up deformed or something weird like that, but they could also be fine...

    But if all your rabbits are related and their family carries something bad like wolf teeth or something (they can't eat if that happens) then the babies will have problems...but if they don't really carry anything bad then the babies might be alright. It all depends on that.

    She's most likely pregnant if he's been spraying and stuff, my rabbit started that at 4 months old too and he got my female pregnant. They start spraying a lot when they are maturing.

  2. i have breed rabbits for 5years and even if they have babies with their sons nothing happens to the babies they dont become deformed idiots.

  3. Male rabbits can reach sexual maturity at 4 months.

    You really need to separate them and at this point, just hope she isn't pregnant.

    Also, please spay and neuter!

  4. They'll be like rabbits from Georgia. Have a nice day.

  5. rabbits breed no matter what, you have to seperate males and females. they will inbreed.

    if they are inbred, they could just be normal. or be deformed, or have some minor or major health problems, and could die young, or be still born.

  6. You absolutely have to keep rabbits separate because they don't know better.  If you accidentally scared her she would act that way but if you have males in with her she probably is bred.  Also rabbits are Territorial and the female may hurt or kill the bucks if they feel crowded.

    Keep rabbits separate.

  7. the babies will most likely die. she needs to go to a vet and have an ultrasound done. If she is pregnant, the babies may already be dead, and she will have to have a c-section. have you considered spaying?

  8. Probably. Why on earth did you keep male and female un-neutered rabbits together? Especially ones that were related? The bunnys may be disfigured and will likely have health problems. You'll have to provide homes for them as you can't sell them or give them to a pet shop. Have you never heard the phrase "at it like rabbits"? I would go to the vets and get the female spayed asap x

  9. Breeding two headed rabbits I see.

  10. Oh that, that happens all the time it may not have been the son! See rabbits have uterus horns which means she can have two different litters maybe weeks apart this is normal so if she is its okay!If not take her to the vet and it isn't your fault so don't worry about it okay?

    Good luck

  11. This is some Jerry Springer c**p.

  12. no

  13. Have you ever watched Wrong Turn? The Hills have Eyes? Texas Chainsaw Massacre???

  14. I'm sorry but you are a very irresponsible owner. These need to be separated right away and spayed/neutured. The babies might not even survive and it is possible could be born with disabilites because of the seriously mixed genes. Just be ready to care for potentially special needs rabbits.

  15. why did you keep mother and son in a cage together?  An advantage of being human is supposed to be learning from your mistakes!

  16. Yes its possible but how gross would that be?

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