
Is my rat aggressive?

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i just got my new rat today she is a blue hooded rat. i would say about 7mnths old. she is adorable but when i brought her home and tried to put her in her cage she shrieked . then later when i tried to pet her she keep nibbling at my finger and my bf 's as well. we didnt have any food on us. it didnt hurt at all just a lil nibble. but she wont let us pick her up or anything. what should i do? is a nibble a warning sign?




  1. I wouldn't stick my hand in the cage and such so much right away..give her a few days to settle in. Chances are the nibbling is just to get to know you and is a sign of affection. My ratties nibble on me to groom me.

    Also, you really shouldn't keep rats alone. They're social animals and no amount of affection you give her will replace the company of other rats. I would go back to where you got her and see if you can find another rat from the same litter(that would make introductions go a lot smoother I'm guessing).

    Good luck!

  2. i would say that your rat is just getting used to the change give it time and it will probably calm down try hand-feeding it and spending time with it. The same thing happened to my dog it took about a month and then he was ok with everyone. Good Luck!

  3. She has to learn to trust you.

    She doesn't yet. That 'nibble' is a 'back off' signal.

    She's in a strange place, and you're big and scary.

    If you press her too hard she might go from 'nibble' to 'bite'.

  4. She's shrieking because you're frightening her, usually it's the way/speed you're grabbing her.

    Along with getting her a female friend, make sure you hold/pick her up the right way.

    Under her arms, around her ribs is best. Do it gently, and support her feet and bottom/let her hold on to you with her tail. Don't let her dangle there.

    Also, don't just swoop down and clamp on. Try not to grab her from above(she'll instinctively think something is coming down to eat her) Pet her first, at her level, then pick her up.

    Another thing, if you try to put her in the cage and she like holds on to the doorway/struggles, chances are the cage is too small(if she has to be shoved in) =P

  5. The shrieking is her being sad/hungry/scared etc.

    And rats nibbling and l*****g are their way of "Kissing". If he means to hurt you there will be blood.

    What's your rats name. My rat is named "Sir Cupiter Ratticus" He is king of Ratkind.

  6. She sounds a bit freaked out.  Give her some time to settle in.  It's normal for rats that aren't used to being picked up (or sometimes, there are just 'whiney' rats) to squeak at you when you pick them up.  

    Nibbling can be affectionate or testing. Unless it's a really fast movement, it's probably not a warning sign.

    Hopefully you plan on a second girl.  :)  She'll feel much more comfortable with a friend.

  7. No. The nibbling is probably just her grooming you. It's a sign of affection.

    Also your rat may not let you pick her up because she's afraid of being so high up.

    Try letting her come out of the cage by herself. If she comes out and seems friendly, that means that she's just afraid of heights. This fear can be overcome with time.

    Also, she's shrieking because she is scared. Let her get used to new things by herself. Place her near the new object, and try to lure her to it with a treat.

  8. Nibbles are a curiousity thing. If she wanted to hurt you, she would.

    You just got her today, so let her adjust to her new cage & environment. Don't rush into handling her.

    P.S. Does she have a cagemate? If not, please consider getting her another female rat soon, for optimal happiness.

  9. when you bring a new rat home, they're bound to be scared. imagine if you had lived somewhere all your life and then you suddenly get picked up and thrown into a whole new environment. Nibbling is fine, as long as it's not a bite. My rats nibble my fingernails as if cleaning them up! I had a rat who hadn't been handled and it took him a while but he came round eventually and there came a time when he hated being apart from us. Your rat is not aggressive, just frightened.  

  10. <HEART>
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