
Is my rat dying, help!?

by Guest57350  |  earlier

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he is hardly moving, cold feet and a sore red nose, he looks like he just wants to sleep, he is eating and drinking when i give it to him. he lives with another rat which is a bit of a bully. help?? xx




  1. Your rat could be depressed if I was you I would separate them and see if he gets active again he might be scared of the other rat and that might be why he is acting this way

  2. Take him out and put him in a box by himself, something soft in the box to he's comfortable, and keep him warm, but not too warm.

    For now offer him a little water.

    See if he recovers.

    When he's better keep him away from that BULLY!


    Good Luck.

    Rats are wonderful pets, I'm sorry he isn't doing well.


  3. There is a good chance he is being bullied and got hurt, he may have internal injuries, also stress is a big factor that can play in. get him to the vet IMMEDIATELY!

  4. If he is eating and drinking it is a good sign. I would take the bully out and put him somewhere else for now and then get the other to the vets for a check up

  5. owh poor ting

  6. 1. put him in a different cage

    2. take him to the vet

    3. why do you have a pet rat?

  7. My brothers rat had an allergy to his bedding, and he often got a red/bloody nose, and slept alot,

    try seperating the two rats, and change bedding, see vet ;]

  8. He is stressed for some reason, it might be the bully. How bad does the other one bully him? If he's feet is cold that is an indicatorer that he is cold, place a heating pad thats wrapped with a lot of blankets under him. It could be nothing it could be everything. You can also cuddle him in your arms, if he moves to snuggle in and sleep he is probably just tired, if he just lays like a lump I would say you have a big problem and he needs the vet asap. Be sure to call the vet ahead of time to let him know you have an emergency, rats tend to go down hill quickly. Is he breathing hard? Is their any squeaking/ ratteling in his chest?

    If he's taken to the vet and the vet does see something wrong with him but doesn't know what consider that it might be something else stressing him out, loud music, candles, smoking, ect.

    Another thing, unles the other rat is a giant jerk to the other one, OR if the sick rat is contagious, don't seperate them, And by giant jerk I mean constant harassment, biting, blood drawn, there's a difference between an alpha asserting who's boss and a brat

    p.s if your rat does have something contagious then you must treat the other rat too, you will probably get antibotics so make sure to get enough for two.

  9. i think it is

  10. Separate him from the bully immediatly.

  11. well i would advice moving them into seperate cages>> and if you are that worried you should have taken the rat to the vets ages ago!! prat!!!

  12. ok stay by the rats side and put it in your arms wrapping it around a tea towel, please don't worry i'm sure it will be fine, take it to the vet's if your worried that what i did when my hamster was like that

  13. Dont worry im sure your mom will be ok later

  14. I would firstly seperate the animals - the one that seems ill if he is friendly try seeing if he will sit on your lap and kinda wrap him up in an old jumper or something that your smell on it (if this is familiar to him, if it's your friends rat or you have not had him long this could freak him out) just comfort him and encourage him to eat and drink. Absolute worst case scenario and sorry to even put this but if he is dying he'll be more comfortable being cuddled by you than lying in a cage with a another rat, bullying him ! Take him to a vet ASAP through like TODAY he might nor survive the night.

    Hope he's OK ! xx

  15. Separate them - the poor thing.

  16. I would think he is being harrassed by the other Rat, try seperating them for a while, but if you are really concerned take him to the vets for a check over.

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