
Is my rat fat or a good size

by  |  earlier

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ive never weighed him before so im not sure how much he should wigh




  1. hes a little chubby. but not enough to be called fat. i think he is adorable!!!

  2. obese

  3. he surely is wellfed, bet he's a bit overweight, just give him a smaller portion of what you usually give him

  4. he looks a little chubby but its really cute. its adorable

  5. hes a little chubby but very cute just try to give him less treats  

  6. fat

  7. male rats are a lot bigger than the girls! just make sure you let him round around lots and that his cage is big enough for him to exercise a bit just make sure he has lots of exercise and he will be fine feed him healthy treats (pees sweetcorn carrots etc) hes fine just make sure he dont get much bigger lol  

  8. He looks a little fat.Or did you do it close up.

  9. Rats get pretty fat but I think that's all he is, fat.  Maybe a little less feeding and some more exersize and he could be healthy. I once had a ball for my rat to run in.

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