
Is my rat sick? He isn't acting normal and i don't know what to do.?

by  |  earlier

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he isn't lonely, he has a cage mate that is outgoing. and Cosmo the one i think is sick is shy since i got him. But he sleeps A LOT and i know he eats. But he isn't very active and I think he is breathing weird. I listened to his breathing and then his friends but they sound the same. please help im worried.




  1. cake man - you are just sick. i hate people like you who put their two cents in everything.

    i think he has something wrong with him - but internal. rats should be active. bring him to the vet... unfortunatelly, it might be something you find out about only after an autopsy.

    until then (and hopefully he will get better) just give him everything he needs... food, water and companionship. Also a warm room, but not hot.

    good luck.. i think he might have a respiratory infection. You dont have them in pine shaving bedding, do you? The best thing to use for rats is just plain cheap felt blankets - then wash them at the laundry mat - lol

  2. It's very easy for rats to get respiratory diseases, make sure they do not have any pine bedding in their cage. He also may just be shy or stressed out by the new situation he's in.

  3. mabey you shoud eat it

  4. make sure he has aspen or a paper product bedding, then if still no improvement he might have a respiratory infection give your vet a call

  5. it might just have a cold?? if ut dosnt get better take it to a rodent vet

  6. Firstly, is his bedding pine? This has been known to cause respiratory infections. Your best bet would be to go to the vet and get him on a course of antibiotics. My rat Lily had wheezy breathing and she ended up with pneumonia

  7. I don't know much about rats but I suggest you should take it to the vet for the answer.  

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