
Is my recruiter a lying s***k?

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Ok. So I decided not to join. This was after the first oath at MEPS. She said that if I don't take another oath at MEPS then my references will be called asking why I'm not coming to basic training. This doesn't make any sense to me. It seems like they would be more concerned if I did take a second oath and didn't come. Um. Wouldn't taking one more oath mean that I'm in? She said it wouldn't.




  1. She's probably a lying s***k. Don't do it.  

  2. Just wondering, why would you enlist if you didn't plan on going? That is a huge waste of time and resources.

    That aside, you don't have to go until you take the second oath no matter what the recruiter tells you.  What service is this?  I was going to join the Army and the tried pulling that kind of jibber jabber but the Navy recruiter told me to do what I wanted.

  3. sounds like u got cold feet...but she is lying

  4. Your all over it dude.  Second oath at MEPS means on Active Duty

  5. The recruiter is ALWAYS trying to get you to join.  Even when they say they aren't trying to recruit you (or one of your friends that might be with you).  Just don't do the oath.  Hold out until you can get all the info you need from the recruiter.  

    PS  Basic is boring but not hard.  Make like Nike and just do it!

  6. You "enlisted" into the US Army Reserves when you took the 1st oath and signed the contract Pvt Pyle. You are now subject to activation and the UCMJ  just like others that have finished their active time and are cruising the remaining time on that 8 year contract. On your 2nd trip they "discharge" you from the Reserves and you join the active Army.

    I suggest you read that contract very carefully Pvt. Pyle. What does it say your term (length in years) of enlistment is???

    Not an opinion, just a fact Pvt. Pyle.

    Un-Welcome to the club! You got a problem! Might be a little 1,  might be a big 1.

    SSG US Army 73-82

  7. I only recall one oath.  Anyways to answer your question, if you have not left for Basic Training, I believe that you can change your mind, even though the recruiters will tell you otherwise.  Just tell her you decided not to join, but do it in a respectful manner.

    On another note, based on your question, I wouldn't want you in the military anyways.  You could have posted this question in a respectful answer, and you probably would get better responses.  By calling your recruiter a "lying s***k", you are showing a considerable lack of respect and basic social skills.  I really doubt that she cursed you out or something and I think your titling of her is uncalled for.  As I said, don't go to basic because I don't believe you would do well in the military solely based on your question.

  8. You need to man up and honor your commitment!

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