
Is my relation ship over?

by  |  earlier

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13 years and nothing has changed, i have 3 kids, and he has 1 to a previous marriage. I am supporting all of us why he has a good splash, and wont contribute to any of the house hold bills, in the 13 years together, i have been through physical, emotional abuse, he was an alcoholic and gave up the drinking 5 months ago with the help of a counselor, but i see no change in our relation ship, i just wish it was easy to end it, but like others i guess, its the sake of the kids, who dearly love him and he is a good father when he wants to be, please help me????




  1. Is your relationship over?  From the history you've given, it sounds like it never really got started!  Unless you're willing and prepared to spend the rest of your life living like this, you might be wise to consider a change.  Your children will still love him and he can still be a good father if you're not together.    You have to decide if you're willing to invest any more of your time, energy  and emotions into a relationship that appears to be stagnant and not going anywhere.  Staying together for the sake of the kids isn't always a good reason, especially if there is physical and emotional abuse.......that isn't a healthy environment for you or the kids.  You don't say whether or not you still love him, but even if you do, sometimes love just isn't enough!

  2. Try marriage counseling. Hope all goes well :/  

  3. i really think you should try counseling, or [[ no disrespect ]] take him to an AAA meeting if anything catches up with you. or maybe sit him down and talk to him, and if he notices how serious you are, he might change his ways. Just remember not all couples work out, and that's okay, their are a million fish in the sea, theirs no need to cry over that one.  i'm 13 and my parents aren't together anymore, and i'm okay with that because i understand and your children will too. i have noticed that my grades actually went up, since they weren't together. i hope everything works out with you, and GOOD LUCK! :]

  4. i feel bad for you i really do. i myself am going through a very tough break up with my ex, we have been together for six years and we have two kids together but we try to be civil towards each other for the kids. you have to think about the kids, not who pays what and how long you have been together, any abuse can cause long term damage to you, that is good he is sober but you need to try counseling for you too and if that doesn't work then you need to get out of that situation, the kids cannot see the adults fighting all the time, it will be like putting your kids through emotional abuse. only your heart can tell you what to do. good luck

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