
Is my relationship over or are we going through a faze?

by  |  earlier

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My bf and I of 2 and a half years fight everyday now and not just once but many times. Most of the day we cannot stand each other. He used to tell me such nice stuff, but now he ignores me. There are times I have to yell out his name to get his attention, even when he is like 2 feet away, because I call him like 6 times and he still doesn't hear me. I am starting to like being by my self. Its more peaceful. Are we over or is this a faze?




  1. Have you heard of maybe that fighting makes a couple stronger, but in this case I wouldn't think so, maybe you should go on a small vacation with some of your friends, and maybe something will change while you are gone or things may go bad, but either way just give it time maybe something is wrong and he won't tell you about it.  

  2. Well if i was you i would think this relationship over b/c it not good to be a relationship wear you never get along.I know you love him allot but if i was you i would break up with him or ask for time apart and think about this relationship but i wouldn't want to be in a relationship wear we fight all the time.

  3. work it out please dont break up :(

  4. perhaps you two just need a break.

    absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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