
Is my results from an IQ test high??

by  |  earlier

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i took a little IQ test thing on the internet and got a 134, i dont if thats high or low??? what is it?




  1. That's above average. However, internet IQ testing isn't known for being reliable and accurate.

    Your grades, accomplishments, speed at learning, and junk like that are probably just as valid as indicators of intelligence.

  2. 100 is average, so yes, 134 is high.

    However, not only are the online tests pretty terrible (and skewed towards high results), the whole concept of IQ itself is questionable, so take it for what it's worth.  

  3. your age will also come into play with that number.  if you want an accurate test, take the Mensa test.  if it's good enough, they'll invite you to take the full test.

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