
Is my right turn on red legal while someone is turning left on a green arrow.?

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I made a right turn on red after stopping at a light and from the opposite direction a car made a left turn with a green arrow. She took up both lanes hitting my car. I was in the right lane the entire time. Am I at fault or is she.




  1. You can argue the fact that she broke the law but i don't know if you'll get very far.The laws says you begin and end your turn in the same lane.But she did have the green light.Were you given a ticket for faliure to yield?Get a copy of the police report and see who the cops say is at fault.

  2. The driver who has the red light must yield to the driver with the green light. In your case, you may not have known that the oncoming traffic had a green turning arrow.

    It sounds to me like the OTHER driver had the right of way, but entered the wrong lane (curb lane?), which would have been an unsafe manoeuver on his part. You had the red light and should have waited until the other driver had completed his/her turn before you began to turn.

    It sounds like you are at fault, but there might be some fault put on the other driver if he/she entered the wrong lane when making his/her left turn. Hmmmm, a tricky one.....find any witnesses, talk to a lawyer who may carry some clout with this case. Good luck!

  3. Sorry but this time it is your fault for failure to yield to oncoming traffic.......right on red means stop, check if all is clear and then proceed.......

  4. She had a green light. You has a red light. You have answered your own question.

  5. sorry but you she had the light to move you had the light to stop and wait for her

  6. A right turn on red is only permitted when the intersection is completely clear. The burden of responsibility is upon you to make sure the intersection is safe before entering it.

    An argument could be made that she made a turn of dubious legality by not turning completely into the lane closest to the centerline (as she was making a left turn), but regardless, it was your duty to make sure that all lanes were completely clear before entering on a right-on-red.

    Sorry, dude :(

  7. Both of you are at fault.  

    You,    for not yielding to traffic that had a green light.    She had the right to go!!

    Her,   for not turning into the lane nearest.    The reason you are supposed to do so is just this sort of thing.

  8. What Kelly F said darlin sorry...anyone with a green light always has the right of way......

  9. NO

  10. It's right turn on red IF the way is clear.....sorry

    it was you that had to yield

  11. You Are.. You must stop, and proceed with Caution...!!  She has the light, and many people make a left turn and go to the right lane....!!  It is Your Red Light....!!

  12. Legally its your fault due to the yielding law. Morally and factually, its her fault for being such a dumbass. Unfortunately, the law will blame you.

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