
Is my room haunted?

by  |  earlier

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I have three cats that stay in the living room.

Sometimes when I go out of the room, when I return, the cats are NOT in the same places they were when I left the room. Is this polar guy activity?




  1. You need to "add details" to this. Were they cat statues? How long were you out of the room? Are you "kidding"? Are you doing "undercover work" for Peter?

  2. As with anything concerning the paranormal, there is no other possible explanation.  It *must* be the polar guy.

    This one time, I was in an office building lobby and the elevator door just opened by itself!  I didn't even push a button.  Could this be a polar guy too?  It has to be.

  3. Do they have legs?

  4. If they do not move they are not truly catapult-a- gheists. SOmetimes they think they can jump through walls though and that is very unpleasant. Ouch.

  5. Looks like we have another one.Not treating hauntings and ghosties seriously is offensive to many here.I think it's funny,good for you.

  6. Say What!?!   Live healthy cats don't stay in one place very

    long......Halloween is drawing nigh, but I doubt the cats

    know anything about it!   Haunted rooms are Hollywood

    material and unless you're on the movie set, your room

    is NOT haunted!

  7. What other explanation can there be? Spooky, man. Spooky.

  8. Even I, as a psychic medium can tell you that three cats in a living room would not be moved by a polar guy - sorry poltergeist. After all cats move about all the time, haunted does not come into this at all.

  9. Burber

  10. Have you considered the possibility that Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis (RSPK) is responsible for moving your cats around? You may be doing this yourself without your knowledge, in fact. Or, another possibility might be that one of the cats is psychokinetically moving the other cats around through RSPK. I would suggest that you look into these two likely possibilities.

  11. are the cats ALIVE, do they have LEGS, are they not comfortable where they were sitting.....if they were dead and moving around then you might be onto something....LOL

  12. cats just like people are not immobile.

  13. Umm are we talking "stuffed animal cats' or living, breathing, eating, and pooping cats? If they're living then what's so abnormal here?

  14. No just cats.  My cats are always fighting over the best place to sleep. Like next to the heater or stove.

  15. It isn't polar guy activity, but your cats must definitely be haunted.  **rolls eyes**

  16. Since you have obviously lopped of their limbs entirely rendering them helpless, I would say this is definitive evidence of Polar Guys. Perhaps Admiral Bird. Or more realistically, an Inuit with a lot of spare time on his hands.

  17. NO

    I have never seen a cat stay in one place and not move a little even when they are a sleep.  Dogs tend to move around to, unless they are dead then you really need to do something with them and not leave them in your house.
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