
Is my running routine damaging my knees? (read the detail before answering)

by Guest65315  |  earlier

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(This explanation is long but bear with me and read it all, I really want these Questions answered)I did cross country and track last year and decided i want to run a triathlon. And sence mid june ive been running everyday (unless something came up). And recentally when running it feels like 2 pillars, one on top and one on bottom, are crushing my knee.And the next day my knees would sometimes hurt when i squatted and got up from sitting. I had a feeling this pain came from running 3 miles on the street every day. Which was weird because i never had knee pain while running on the street in cross country. So i did some reaserch and read that you can damage your knees if you dont rest them. So then i went out of town for 2 days (no running) and when i returned Sunday i ran and felt great. But Teusedays run was hurting my knee. Right now this pain is only minor but please assure me(ESECIALLY IF YOUR A PRO) it is only minor like what in doing right now [running on the street, and giving myself more rest (which i need to fix], and if you think it could turn into something major please tell me how to fix it. And if you think its the days of rest hurting me please give some advice on what days to run and rest. And mabey ways to strengthen my knees or stretch them when their sore. Thank you very much for reading this and please answer my questions.




  1. dont run every it every other day,,,,,,

  2. it may be from the impact of the cement

    i would try running on grass or some kind of trail

    and see if it helps also it may be that your not stable enough..

    every thing in your bodies connected, so if theres weakness in the ankles the knees have to compensate and it causes pain. to help stabilize your ankles stand on a stair facing the top with your heel off the edge [just the balls of your feet should be on the step] slowly lower your body downward to a comfortable level and then go up on your toes...

    do about 10 then try it slightly pigeon toed then do one foot at a time,,,

    hope this helps and good luck!

    [[if pain continues stop running and go see a doctor]]

  3. I did my research paper my senior year on the problems caused by excessive running. Too much of it is definitely bad for you. Anyway, this is one of the websites I used for sources (for other science projects as well) Sooo....check it out.

    Remember: Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. So if it hurts a lot, really don't ignore it. Just suck it up and have it checked out. :)

  4. it could be because you are growing or about to hit a growth spurt. The knees arer susceptible to pain when you grow. You might just have to chill for a little while.

  5. Yes, you def need rest, even pros rest or work out a diff part of their bodies on diff days.  If the pain continues even with rest, you need to see a doc, you could have slightly damaged your menisicus (cartilage) in your knee(s).  When that happens, you cannot work out for a long time.

    Don't just strengthen your quads, you need to balance out the leg muscles, work your hamstrings, calf muscles to support the knee.

    Running on padded surfaces helps as well and a good support shoe. Hope your shoes are in good shape, your feet are very important. Hope this helps.

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