
Is my schedule good enough to get me into top tier schools?

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I am in 10th grade.

I am aiming for Brown

9th Grade

* English 9A Honors - A

* Geometry A- B

* Biology A- A

* Spanish 1A- A

* Physical Education 9 A

*Human Geography (AP) A

10th Grade

* English 10A Honors

* Algebra 2/Trig.A

* Chemistry A (AP)

* European History A (AP)

* Spanish 2A

* Physical Education

11th Grade

* English Lang &

Comp A (AP)

* Pre Calculus A

* Physics (AP)

* U.S. History A (AP)

* Spanish 3A

* Photo

12th Grade

Advanced Comp/Lit A (AP)

Calculus A (AP)

Human Anatomy(AP)

Government (AP)

Spanish Language A (AP)

Computer (AP)

I am in CSF, NHS, Key Club, and Habitat for Humanity. If I do well in those classes, and on my SATS and ACTS will I have a fighting chance for Brown?




  1. Yes.  You will get into a great school for SURE - just maybe not the one you want - eg Brown.  You are qualified for sure - but ivies like Brown reject about 5 qualified applicants for each one they accept.  However by applying to a number of great schools you will almost certainly get into at least one.  To help check out:

    For some other good choices check out:



  2. You have a lot of "Ifs" there, Bucko.

    But of course, if you get straight As and 2200+ on your SATs you have a good shot at Brown and will get into some good college.

    On the other hand, if you get straight Cs and 1200/2400 on your SATs it is off to community college for you.

    Bring your math up and you should do fine.  Good luck.

  3. your gonna have the same chances as everyone else. remember that ivy leagues turn away thousands of applications of people who are in the top 1% of their class (even valedictorians), and then on the contrary, they accept people who may have much less credentials than others. so to be honest, you have a 4/5% chance of getting into any ivy league you apply to. and a lot of the ivy league admissions depend on higher sat/act/satII scores, so those will be much more important than anything you have mentioned.  

  4. Sure, a fighting chance as long as the A's in those classes put you very near the top of your class and you get the 2200 plus. But hardly a guarantee. Something above and beyond typical high school ECs are needed more every year for a real chance at a school like Brown which takes 13% of applicants and most applicants have those stats.

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