
Is my sister going to jail?

by  |  earlier

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Well, my sister is 17, I'm 14, She ran away on 4/20 for like a week, during this time frame she managed to get charged with:

Burglary of a building/dwelling

Misdemeanor theft/party to crime

Criminal damage to property

Criminal trespass

Misdemeanor theft

Burglary of a building/dwelling (2 charges)

Felony criminal damage to property

According to the paperwork she may have $100,000 to pay up and up to 12 years in jail.

She's had some trouble with the law before, small theft and underage drinking, possession of marijuana and all that jazz.

But here is the catch---in our family of troubles my sister's problems are almost like an afterthought. We've been through some bad sh-t and since we are all good students and usually don't get into too much trouble with our story as a crutch we can usually get by. It worked for all my sister's previous charges but this time I don't know...

Can anyone help me out here? She is all I have, my brother is in college and has long since forgotten about the 2 sisters he left behind




  1. I think she may spend some time in jail for this one.  That's a big list.  She will have the opportunity to plea down the sentence, but they will make her plead guilty.  I wouldn't be surprised to see her get a $10,000 fine and a year in jail, whiich she'll serve a little more that 6 months if she keeps her nose clean.  She will probably get some lieniency for being a minor, but she can't bank on that.  

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