
Is my sister pretty? (rating)

by  |  earlier

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  1. She's gorgeous! I'd give her a 9! =}

  2. ches shes aight give her a 7

  3. 6 or 7

  4. she looks like shes trying too hard but she doesnt have to because shes pretty :)



  5. 6

  6. 10.


    Are you your sister??

    Hahh whateverr.

    Super pretty.

  7. 8 shes gorgeous

    i ♥ her hair !!

  8. Heck yeah!  I give her a solid 10!

  9. i think u should be comfortable with wut u look like. i think she is like a 9.

  10. very pretty

  11. I think shes pretty but she should grow her hair out a bit! 8/10

  12. 9.8

    thats youu

  13. She is pretty pretty, and

    pretty apt to stay that way.



    (") (")



  14. 8. She's very pretty.

  15. ya i give her a 8 cuz of her hair i dont really like it she should get a lighter hair cut but her face is pretty

  16. 7.

  17. 7

  18. She is pretty  

  19. 7 or 8

  20. 8-9

    in this pic she looks really pretty.

  21. 6 out of 10.

  22. 5 1/2

  23. Cool hair. 7.

  24. Yes, absolutely. On a scale from 1 to 10 i would rate her 8.

  25. yes she is,

    and from a girl's point of view, i would be jealous of her.


    ummm 9.5

  26. yeahh shes prettyyy! :D

    shes probably a nine

  27. 6

  28. 5

  29. 9.5(:

  30. duh!!! yes "your sister" is very pretty!


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