
Is my sister too self-protective?

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Really weird situation this...

Last Thurs me and my sis were out. I am 19 she is 21. She was with her new b/f and I was with my guy. I saw them out of the corner of my eye making out and then suddenly mis sis totally FLIPPED and slapped him!

She told me later it was b cos he put his hand down her shorts. Now, she was really getting in the mood I could tell and if it was me I would WANT the man to make that move first!

Is she being too uptight and preotective do u think?




  1. Just because your sister was turned on doesn't mean she had to be okay with him touching her wherever he wanted! And if he did it really fast before she had time to react - or if she had said no when he started, a slap was DEFINITELY in order.  

  2. Why bother wearing pants?

  3. you sound like a w.h**e just so you know.

    i think it perfectly fine that she doesnt want that. but slaaping is a little extreme. but still if they just started going out.

  4. Pardon the pun, but different strokes for different folks.

    It was in a public place after all. Not everyone's ok with that - even if you are. If he thought it might be ok to do that then that suggests to me that they have a pretty healthy relationship (unless he's REALLY bad), but she's just not ok with it in public.

  5. First of all i would of done the same thing. It probably would of been different if she and him were by themselves. Like you said you and your bf were there. That is something that should be between two people. Any more than that would be considered an orgy. You know what i mean? I call that self-respect. Not uptight.

  6. Everyone has their personal space bubble, and tho she may of seemed like she wanted to get sexual, she obviously didn't want his hands down her pants. I dont think she was being uptight or anything. But i dont think she should of slapped him either.

  7. No. I would be mad too and slap him.  

  8. Nope, he shouldn't put his hands there unless he is specifically invited. Making out is not an invitation, either.

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