My three year old son seems to be a little overactive. I know that boys tend to be pretty 'busy' but when do you know that it is more than just that? I'm always told that he is just a boy. But I have seen other little boys his age, and while they may be active they don't tend to be as active as he is at times. He also has begun to throw tantrums, or get mad, at the least little things. For instance, this afternoon our cat wanted to come back in the house because he was hot. My son wanted him to stay outside, I told him he was too hot, and my son just grunted his famous grunt and started throwing his toys in the backyard. Is that normal for a child to do? I mean I know some of the things he does are normal, but when do you know it is more than that? We spank, we time-out, we take things away, but nothing seems to phase him. Also, when you are trying to talk with him he doesn't act like he understands what you are talking about. I really don't know what I need to do. Thank u!