
Is my son eating enought? He's 9 months has about 24-32ounces of millk a day plus soup and fruit for lunch

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and soup for bedtime around 8:30 at night he gets a bottle and then bedtime, so why does he wake up in the middle of the nigh at 2...I give him a bottle and he's asleep again waking up around 4ish and I give him another bottle and he falls asleep again waking up around 6 or 7




  1. WOW no it doesn't sound like he's getting enough!!  how much soup do you feed him before he goes to bed??  he may need actual chopped, like stage 3 foods before you send him to bed.  my boys were on actual baby food when they were that age, and i would give them like a jar of peaches and they would eat the whole thing. then i would try a jar of pears and they would take like 2 or 3 bites and they were done. my boys were big eaters though. my boys are now 4 and 3 and they are healthy and fine. i would try to give him half jar and see what happens. if he still seems cranky try for some more and see what happens if he still eats give it to him. you don't want to have your kids malnurished or have them fed 2 much.  he's most likely going through a growth spurt and yes if he's going through a growth spurt he's going to need a eat more.  they suggest even at that age 3 meals a day and only milk at naps and bed time.  my boys were eating like pigs at 6 months old.  so.....yeah i no where your coming from.  my middle one is 5 lbs lighter and 2 inches shorter than my oldest and she's 6!!  he's going to be 5 in november.  i would try feeding him maybe the soup and some diced up fruits before he goes to bed one night and see what happens.  

    good luck!!!!!!!!

    good luck

  2. He's going through a growth spurt.  My daughter was doing that up until last month.  Eventually she'll go through another growth spurt and have me up again but that's what they do.

  3. My daughter 28-30 oz of Formula per day and she eats 1 jar of baby food for breakfast, 1 jar for lunch, along with about 15 gerber puffs, 1 jar for supper. And throughout the day I let her snack on Gerber puffs and cheerios.

    As far as the amount of milk you are giving him it sounds like its enough. However, it doesnt sound like he is getting enough jarred baby food. You should try and cut back on the soup as it is not as filling as the thicker baby foods.

    Try stage 3 baby foods and let him snack on some cheerios or gerber puffs during the day. Good luck!

  4. take his weight and mutiply it by 2.5 ..thats how many oz a day he should eat ..of coarse it might be a little less with the solids

  5. It doesnt sound like he's getting enough, dont worry not your fault just add to his meals. My son is 10 months and he eats a lot! But he is also a big boy, really tall. He has a bottle for breakfast 7am, sometimes half a banana, for lunch 11:30 am the other half banana, cheerios and a bottle, for dinner a gerber graduates (raviolis, shells, chicken noodle) and a bottle, in between meals I give him some ritz crackers or gerber puffs. He will eat his dinner 4pm until he is full, he will stop when he is. Right before he goes to bed at 9 he has a full bottle only. He sleeps through the night like an angel and I  am convince dit is because his belly is full.

  6. yes. babies level out with their eating habits at different ages. Does your baby seem to be healthy? If you have real concerns see a pediatrician.

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