
Is my son entitled to disability alowance..please help?

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he is 5 years old and we are currently going through the proses of getting him diognosed with asperger syndrome. as of yet he dosen't have the diognosis but he still has to attend special groups and i have to do special things with and for him. since he isnt good in social enviroment i sometimes need to find a babysitter so i can do things like shopping.(just so ya know im not after it for the "money" or to sponge i work and go to college and am a single mum.).. do you know if he would qualify.. any advice would help thank you..




  1. First and foremost, if at the present time, your son has not been statemented (Official diagnosis), this does not disqualify you from applying for Disability Living Allowance or the Mobility component Allowance.  The DHSS never tell anyone what they MAY be eligible for, unfortunately it is up to you to obtain a claim pack and fill it in.  If you do not fully understand everything in the claim pack, do you have a Citizens Advice Bureau near you, as there are Welfare Benefits Advice Officers working there who would be more than happy to assist you.

    Do not get disheartened if you get turned down the first time, appeal against the decision but always remember you are answering the questions as if you are in your child's shoes..

    can I do this without help. can I go out without an escort ?

    Good Luck.

  2. Go to your local CAB. You can find the closest one to you in the Yellow Pages. They'll be able to advise you and it's free and confidential.

  3. I have an 18 year old with Asperger's syndrome. It is not life threating and they have to be determined as to whether he can work in the future or not ( my daughter is highly functional)... most kids with ADHD do not get benefits from disability and my Asperger's daughter does not. She works part time in a Grocery. We live in the US.

  4. he will qualify when diagnosed and you should be able to get carers allowance too.Go to citizens advice if you need help with any of it.

  5. It is certainly worth applying for disability living allowance. They will look at your claim depending on how your son is compared to a "normal child" of the same age. If he needs more care and supervision than an ordinary 5 year old then he could qualify for the benefit. Do get someone such as a welfare worker to help you fill in the claim forms as they are very long and ask you to paint a very bad picture of your child. They are also extremely repetitive. Don't be down hearted if your claim is turned down the first time, do appeal. I have a daughter who is diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and other conditions, she receives DLA but we have had to go to a tribunal to get it. Good luck and don't take no for an answer.

  6. The only ones I can think of off hand are Attendance allowance for him and Carers allowance for you. talk to the Job Centre and or CAB

  7. Hi,I signed up to yahoo just to try and help with your question re:your son.Ialso have a 15 year old who was missed by the system aqnd diagnosed with aspergers 2 years ago.After 13 months of form filling and a tribunal Ifinally won the case and he was awarded£240 per month.This enables him to lead a slightly better social life as he is able to finance his own transport todo activities.I have to tell you that it was a very difficult case to prove but well worth persuing.On the positive side with the proper help my son is now a grade a student and hopes to start up his own company.It may not be a lot of money but it could make a big difference to your childs life

  8. You may be able to apply for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) once you have the confirmed diagnosis. There are three different rates of payment, dependent on the level of need the child presents with.

    If you get the middle or higher rate you can also apply for the mobility component. This is also given at one of three rates. It is given to those who have limitations of a physical nature, but it is also given to those with forms of learning disability that put them at risk of harm because of behaviour/sensory issues/lack of understanding of danger etc.

    There is a website (cerebra) who give very detailed information on how to apply, assuming you are in the UK.

    Good luck.

    PS. You should also contact your social services to check out what respite care is available in your area.

  9. he only qualifies after he has been diagnosed with it.

  10. If he's eligible then i'm sure you'll be entitled to claim for him bud, maybe there'll be some clarity on this matter soon hey?.....

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