
Is my son too young to get his first skateboard?

by  |  earlier

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I want my son in the worst way to get into things I never was given the option to get into. One of these things he has gained an interest in. Skateboarding. What's the problem?? He's only 4. He can't even reach the faucet on his own yet! Is he too young for his first skateboard? He has been begging me to get him one. Well??? Thanks for the input.




  1. A skateboard is pretty dangerous, i would try getting him interested into a bike, something a little bit more safer. But maybe you should get him a skateboard, if he insists, just so he can try it out, he might end up liking it, but probably will just be something he grows out of. ya never know, he might be the next tony hawk.

  2. skateboarding is pretty dangores but its good for kids to start yound if they want to get good just put you kid in heck alot of pads and let im cruz around  when he gets to 7, 8, or 9 start teching tricks

  3. Not at all.  There are several 2 year olds at the park that skate.  One can even drop in on a 5 ft quarter.  Four is a good age to start.  Start him on a mini board, and then as he gets bigger, get him a regular board.  Definitely get him some pads and a helmet.  Don't skimp on either the board or the protection.

    I see this as a good father.son activity.  I take it you never had the opportunity to skate as a kid.  Now's your chance.  You can spend time together and learn how to skateboard.  You will be the coolest dad if you skate.  I've had countless kids come up to me and say that they wished their dads skated.

  4. THERES a kid on youtube whos 2 years old whos very good.

    and its good to start at a young age so I guess it would be fine whos knose your son might go pro...


  5. Yes he should be fine. Get him a mini one. When he is better and older get him a bigger skatgeboard.  Also the knoee pads are good.

  6. well it's always nice to get children into stuff at an early age, but skateboarding seems a little too dangerous, no matter how many protection pads you put on, your always gonna get hurt. but if he insists, get him one, maybe after he tries it, he might not like it.

  7. No. He is not old enough, unless you want him to get a broken wrist, or arm. You should wait until he's 6, or 7. If he keeps begging say "You don't have enought money to buy,a dn you have to wait." That will work!

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