
Is my spiderwort plant alive still?

by Guest64467  |  earlier

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i had planted 2 spiderwort flower plants last year and this year it started to grow when the warm days started, the one of hte rabbits got to one of the plants and basically ate it down where it stoped growing at all but my other one is in full bloom etc. my question is, if hte plant is totally dead? will it come back up next year or is it totally gone now....:( i hope not.....

if it is gone can i split my other one and put some in the place of the one thats gone...





  1. I think it may come back - do not give up on it just yet.  They are also ephemeral when conditions are bad - dying down and then coming up later.  So if it was chewed at a bad time, it may have elected not to re-appear until next year or it could pop it's head up as the weather cools a little this fall.  

    If it was destroyed, though - eaten down too far to recover, for example, you could divide the other spider next January or February, when it is totally dormant.

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