i had a dream, where I asked out a girl I'm completely crazy about. I couldn't ask her out in real life because I was scared, but in this dream, there wasn't any fear at all, it was all so comfortable and it just felt right and I asked her out (it was a lucid dream where I was semi in control of myself) and then...she said no. It didn't turn into a nightmare or anything, it still had that comfortable, right feeling about the whole thing, and yet, when I woke up, I realized what had actually happened. Now could someone please tell me why the h**l my dreams, which are MINE alone, can't even have her say yes?? What does that mean if my freaking subconscious doesn't even think I have a chance? Not so much asking about the girl but what does this mean, am I secretly self loathing? Do I have some sort of masochistic nature that's been hidden for all this time? Any ideas, anyone?