
Is my subwoofer blown or is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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there's like a rattle kind of sound. it kind of sounds like someone blowing into a phone/rattle kind of sound. even when i turn down the volume to 1 i can hear the rattle even when the radio people are just talking. its not bad but still im not sure if thats normal.




  1. get access to the sub.

    some easy ways to know if its blown is by gently pushing down on the cone of the subwoofer.

    -if it moves down very smooth.. the sub is ok

    -if it moves down a bit too hard, might be messed up

    -if it moves down hard and theres a scratchy feeling/sound.. that means the coils could be burned/melted.

    another way is to play it and if the sub has this... weird smell... that means its messedup.

  2. its on the wrong setting on the amp.

    refer to the amp manual to see how to correctly tune...

  3. If you can, try turning the sub down a bit and see if it still does that. It could be that your subs are rattling thing in your car around.

  4. It sounds like blown sub to me, said you could still here it even on a low volume. You do have an amp, it's just hidden.

    Your best bet would be to get it checked out at the dealership.

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