
Is my sulcata Tortoise healthy?

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I have 2 sulcatas and the 1 looks normal but the other juvenile, {they-r both babies,} looks unhealthy. He or she's shell is flatter than i think it should be, she or he also kinda drags it's feet when it walks, and the skin on it's face is ummm flakey or peeling revealing pink or soft skin. She eats a-lot but it's all healthy....?....?...........

Is this maybe how the females look?




  1. the shell of a sulcata should be nicely rounded not flat in appearance, it sounds like she has the start of metabolic bone disease, you need more calcium in your tortoises diet, this is especially important with young tortoises who are still growing, unfortunately if it is the damage has already been done, you need to get a good calcium supplement and feed it at least twice a week the best natural food to feed her is the despined pads off a prickly pear, sulcatas love them and they are full of calcium so will help her no end, the flakey skin may be natural shedding, it does not come off in big sheet but little bits, this may be a sign your tortoise is dehydrated a weekly soak in a shallow dish is recommended, people think tortoises get all their water from their food but they don't, it may be an idea to get your tortoise checked over by a vet who knows tortoises just to make sure she is OK, really with out seeing her i can't tell you if it is normal or not, to make sure you have the set up and diet correct here is a site that will help you, best of luck with the tortoises honey.

  2. One sounds like hit as a metabolic disorder and is dehydrated (flaking)

    This is, unfortunately, pretty common. A lot of the advice people get for this species is very, very bad for it.

    For GOOD care advice, try

    Good luck!

  3. I dont know, I would watch it for a couple of days and if it worsens or you get really worried then take it to the vet.

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