
Is my thumb fractured or broken?

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i need to no if ive fractured or broken my thumb i bent it back about days ago annd now its really painfull and red

i cant use the thumb at all and the pain stretches across the hand

and if it is broken or fractured will i need to have a cast




  1. The only way to tell the difference it to have an x-ray. You should contact your doctor and make an appointment for one.

  2. A break and a fracture are the same thing.

  3. A great website to use whenever you have an injury is NHS direct. I use it all the time and it gives very detailed information on most injuries.

    Here is what it says on Sprains and Strains -

    Symptoms of sprains

    Common symptoms of a sprain include:

    pain around the affected joint,

    being unable to use the joint normally, or being unable to put weight on it,



    swelling, and


    The swelling from a sprain will often occur soon after the injury. However, the bruising may not show until some time later, or may even not show at all. Bruising can appear some distance from the affected joint, as blood from the damaged tissues seeps out along the muscles, and other structures, around the joint, before coming close to the skin.

    Symptoms of strains

    The symptoms of muscle strains depend on how severe the injury is. They can include:

    pain in the affected muscle,

    swelling, and


    You may have a history of strained, or pulled, muscles.

    Broken Bones -

    The symptoms of a fracture depend on the bone affected and the severity of the injury, but can include:

    pain and swelling,

    bruising or discoloured skin around the bone or joint,

    the limb or part of the body being bent at an unusual angle (angulation),

    being unable to move or put weight on the injured limb or part, and

    a grinding or grating sensation or sound in the bone or joint (crepitus).

    A person who has fractured a bone may appear pale and clammy and may feel faint, dizzy or sick. This will normally be due to the pain. However, when large bones such as the pelvis or femur (the bone in the thigh) break, there can be internal bleeding from the bone and this can cause similar symptoms.

    Unless it is essential to do so, you should not move a person with a fractured limb until a splint has been applied by a doctor or paramedic to prevent movement of the injured part and the joints above and below the fracture.

    If you think you may have fractured a bone you should seek medical help immediately.

    Hope that helped !!

    Have a good day -


  4. is ur thumb stikin out in a wrong angle, if so it is broken.. if it is jus red nd painful, i think it is fractured

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