
Is my time running out to have babies?? I'm almost 26!

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I am almost 26 and I am not married yet. Me and my boyfriend would like to have children someday, but I feel like my time is running out because I heard its best to have babies before you are 35. And I would like 2 or 3 kids. Should I start trying to have a baby soon?




  1. yEAh i SAy yOU gO fOR it WHEN YOUR READy NOt jUSt BECAUSE yOUR WORRiEd AbOUt it..tAkE yOUR tiME yOU HAVE AbOUt 10 yEARS SO dONt SWEAt iT!//

  2. I would start trying soon, but you can have healthy babies up to age 38.

  3. yes, your time is reeeeeeeeally running out. run for it. -.-

  4. NO!  You are so young, my mom had me when she was 30 and I know someone who had her last daughter when she was 40.  There is no age when it is best to have children, those are just opinions of different people.  Don't stress yourself out, when you are meant to have a baby it will happen, just enjoy your time without children while you can.

  5. Like wow...r u serious?  Time running out?  Is your uterus falling out?  Then y would u think your time is running out?  U r only 26 not 56....

    When u are MENTALLY and financially stable to have a baby..that's when u try.

  6. No way! your clock still has a while on it! Havent you heard all these stories about women having babies into their 50's? It really all depends on when you start menopause which is anywhere from 45(earliest ive ever heard) to 60!  Its more difficult to get pregnant at after 35 because your eggs are not maturing the same way they were when you were 20. Also, the risks for birth defects and special needs children go up after 35.  Your time is not running out, but you should start planning a time you want to try to concieve.  

  7. (LOL) You have plenty of time I had my first one at age 28 my second at 31 and my friend just had a baby at 42 and everything is great with her I know lots of women who has had babies older than 35 And they all say the actually enjoy there babies more since they are more settled in there life.  Make sure you are ready to have a child before having one being married first is actually a good place to start.

  8. hahahahahahaahahaha if you dont have a television then you should get one of those 1st. People are having babies later in life. Have a baby when you can BOTH financially, emotionally, and responsibly take care of one. And remember, they dont stay babies forever.

    Actresses have been having children at age 40-45 and those are their 1STs! The only thing about that advice is that downs syndrome is common in women over 40 and multiples are common also.

  9. My grandmother had her eleventh child at the age of 48. So there is always hope....

  10. In the United States, birth rates for women in their 30s are at the highest levels in three decades. I wish I could remember which magazine it was that had a great article on the fact that moms are waiting longer to have babies. It had a lot of statistics about how much healthier both the mother and child turn out to be. Although there are plenty of risks such as miscarriages and down syndrome as you age, there are much more benefits. You should spend your twenties doing what you love and being with the person you love. You should find a secure, reliable job and be confident with the amount of money you have and your emotional state before even trying to get pregnant. The happier and safer you feel, the happier and safer your child will be. There is NO way you are too young, in fact, congrats on waiting so long. Considering how badly you want babies, it is great that you haven't done anything silly and gotten pregnant earlier. Your child will not judge you based upon age, she will appreciate the fact that you waited until you were ready and happy to raise her.

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