
Is my toe broken or just bruised?

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so i guess i'm really spastic and fell down my stupid stairs :O

so when i got up it felt like i had cut my index toe (the one next to my big toe) open (like the bone part not the nail part) but then i looked at it and there was no cut. it started to get really swollen and turned color and it hurt(s) a lot. but it's not at a weird angle (that meets the eye). i can't bend it any which way without extruciating pain! do u think it could be broken? or just bruised...really (badly...obviously)

and i know there's nothing u can do but tape it up (doctors can't do anything either) and the only real way to tell is from an xray

but i just wanted to know wut ya'll think!

thanks :)




  1. Yes, I am pretty sure that your index toe is broken.  I remember in P.E (Go ahead and laugh) I was playing dodge ball, I went to pick up a ball, and some huge guy threw a ball as hard as he could at me.  It hit the side of my pinky.  It got bruised and I felt sick and dizzy.  My mom thought that it was just bruised badly, which it was.  So we went to the doctor to get X-rays and what not, and he said it was fractured.  During that time, when the ball hit it, I could bend my finger at all, without extreme pain.  I don't think it would even be possible to bend it >.> (Sorry for the long story)  So anyways,

    1. If  there was a lot of bruising on your toe (My pinky was all yellow and black) it could be broken.

    2.  If causes an extreme amount of excruciating pain to bend it, it could be broken.

    3.  If you felt sick and dizzy at the time, it could be broken.  (Usually people feel sick when breaking a bone or something, because the amount of pain at that 1 moment is a big shock to the body).

    4.  If it is really swollen, it is probably broken, mine was swollen also.

    So basically, I got a splint on my finger and couldn't move it for around 3 weeks.  Hope your toe gets better. :D

  2. Sounds like it's broken.  Good excuse to put your feet up!  Don't waste your time in the emergency waiting room.  Both of my kids have broken their toes and there isn't much you can do but apply some TLC to the patient and stay off the foot.

  3. Yes, it sounds like it is broken.

    You can Tylenol or Advil for the pain and put ice on it and elevate it for the swelling. Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done for a broke toe.

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