
Is my tooth going to die, decay, and/or darken?

by  |  earlier

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i have had braces off for over 2 years. i then was given a retainer to wear. i wore it off and on. and then i went a long period w/out wearing it. now one of my bottom teeth have shifted to a noticeable amount. i began to war my retainer again to shift the tooth back. will this major shift put too much stress on the tooth and cause it to die, decay, and/or darken?




  1. no who told you that c**p

  2. No, it shouldn't. Teeth can withstand a lot of things. Let this just be a reminder to wear your retainer   : )

  3. no,  it won't

  4. It's your fault for disregarding your teeth and your retainers in the first place. :T

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