
Is my turtle sick,pregnant,or dieng?

by  |  earlier

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when i put in my filter my turtles will just stay under my dock?and one of em will just lay there and not do anything but tbefore the filter he was fine is it the filter??

yes he does go up for air but then just sits down back??lol now hes up

Please tell me whats wrong with him!

There 2 red eared sliders medium size and the one that lays there is like the size of my palm.

O and people say they hibernate??is he doing that??




  1. Sliders do hibernate but only if they have a place to do so like a box of Sand or mud but it is to early for them to do that.I have two sliders but they are in the Pond outside and when it gets colder they start eating less and less and then dissapear til spring.Now tell me was there a change in water temperature? that could be it or he/she has to get used to the Filter give them a chance but watch them.Try giving them a treat like Mealworms or soaft cooked chickrn in tiny pieces good luck.

  2. Your turtle is normal. The filter is something new and he isn't used to it yet. The same thing is true with people. They look like giant predators to a turtle, which will want to be in the water, where it is safer. Be patient.

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