
Is my tyre at risk of bursting?

by  |  earlier

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One of the tyres on my car has a little split in it, only a few centimetres long, running circumferentially adjacent to the rim. It looks like the outer wall rubber is kind of peeling back. How likely is this to burst or is it just some of the outer rubber peeling off?




  1. Whether it bursts or not is not the issue.

    It is illegal.

    If it does burst then you or someone else might be injured.

    Get it replaced.

  2. it,s about ready to go. about time you hit a big pot hole the crack will get bigger and spread.

  3. It's not a question of "Will it blow?"

    More like "WHEN will it blow?"

    Sidewall damage on tyres is a very serious issue and the offending tyre should be changed without delay.

    Nobody can declare a tyre safe -even a new one until they have seen it up close.

    Don't take the risk. You owe it to yourself

  4. Take the air out of it, and it will not burst

  5. change it now it could blow anytime,!!

  6. Just replace the tire and don't take a chance....

  7. It might burst at any time, you must get it replaced, if it was recently bought, you may get it replaced free of charge.

  8. YES!!!

  9. The outer rubber should not be peeling off and there should not be any splits, so the tyre is defective. A split in a tyre sidewall can indicate imminent failure so you really should fit the spare and get another tyre fitted on that rim. Don't take any chances. If you are not able to do the change yourself for any reason then drive the car slowly and carefully to any garage that does tyres and have them take care of it.

    If money's a bit tight go to an auto dismantler's and buy a good but slightly used tyre. Often you can get one from an identical car, still on its rim, and at about half the price of a new tyre. (Just check that it doesn't have any defects in in of course.)

  10. Id say just put some tape and super glue on it.  

  11. As soon as the outer wall goes the wire will then follow. Change it asap and keep the speed down until you do so. Luck

  12. Many motorists are unaware of this, but a tyre ages and any older than 6 years is potentially dangerous. Many people have been killed by fitting aged tyres which have been sold to them. At speeds, the treads can come off completely. You can check the date by the 4 digit code on the rim 1001 = 10 week of 2001. Anything older than that should not be used. You should change your types as it is illegal anyway, apart from being a potential killer.

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