
Is my vacation going to be ruined ???

by  |  earlier

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We are going to cancun. We leave saturday coming back Saturday and the weather said sat-wed scattered t-stroms 60 % of rain and Thurs-Sat it says showers also 60% of rain.

My question is does it rain in mexico and then stop and it's pretty again or is this going to be wasted money on a rainy vacation? There is nothing we can do about it now we have to go I'm just really upset?




  1. Your vacation will be fine.  If it does rain it will be for a couple hours probably in the afternoon, then clear up. You should only worry if its a hurricane heading your way, other than that have fun.......  its beautiful out there.

  2. dont worry youll be fine, might rain for an hour or 2 but alot of times its when your sleeping

  3. I think you'll be fine. Plus if it does rain a lot, I'm sure you can find things to do and ways to have fun anyways. I don't think it will be a complete wash out tho, you'll have some time to explore and have fun.

  4. I just came back yesterday and the forecast showed the same thing. The rain literally lasted less than 2 minutes then it was beautiful and sunny. There is no way your vacation will be ruined. Have a wonderful trip!!!  

    I have some tips....

    -Taxis are a rip off. We were charged $90 from airport to our hotel and it was a $25 ride.

    -Don't get in a taxi without a definate destination. We told the driver we were looking for a strip club and ended up at Coco Bongo, they just take you anywhere so you have to pay.

    -If you take the bus (which I say you do its only 65 pesos) make sure you ask the people at your hotel which direction you need to go. The bus drivers will take you in the wrong direction and take you on their entire route.

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