
Is my water dragon about to die?

by  |  earlier

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I have a juvinal drago and today he been keeping both of his eyes closed. He feels like dead weight and earlier i found him with his head in the water. So I picked him up and hes all flabby ushaly he would run up my arm but not today :(. I put him back in his home and he moved his way to the basking light were he was sitting on his log and fell over. I did not notice this till I got home and he was really dry. He was perfectly fine yesterday.




  1. Hey get that lizard some water he is drying out.  What are the humidity levels as they need to be at 75% humidity.  Also clean that tank out and make sure you use reptisafe for his water and mist the cage.  If it is hotter than 80 degrees you are cooking him.  And remember most green water dragons are known to have parasites and other internal problems.  So put him in the bath clean that cage and with fresh water he might survive to see the vets when they open.

  2. it could be too hot in there but id try this website

  3. make sure that he is hydrated. if necessary, get an eyedropper and drop a small amount of water down his throat. Keep his temperature at the exact temp it should be. Change his substrate if necessary. If you recently re-arranged his habitat, or moved it completely, he might be under stress. Reptiles experience stress VERY easily, so you have to make sure he's not around loud music, or anything else that would make him stressed out. He sounds possibly malnourished. You want to make sure you aren't feeding him lettuces like iceberg or romaine. Make sure everything you feed him is high in nutrients, and possibly even add supplements. If you can, cover 2-3 sides of his habitat with cardboard (or a sheet if its a larger cage). Tomorrow, or ASAP, bring him to the vet. Some vets have an emergency line that would be their cell, so call around. Don't give up on him too easily. Juvenille reptiles are hard to maintain, so don't feel like its something uncommon, I've had a juvenille Ig die on me before. And i realize most of the things i suggested to you, i neglected to do myself. this advice comes from all of the afterthought i put into my own iguanas death, after he acted the same way one day.

  4. well... i'd rush the poor guy to a vet! Sooon.

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