
Is my windsurfing gear good?

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I have just started windsurfing and my friend let my try his windsurfing gear and i can buy it if i like it. I have a Bic board and a Fanatic board and i have HOT sails. Is anything here of quality or is it just beginner stuff. When i get good can i keep something or will I have to get better gear??




  1. if you want good brand you shlould buy north sails, neil pryde or starboard.

  2. Depends on what bic, fanatic and hot sails gear you have; how old, etc. However, if the Bic's a long board and the Fanatic's short (135 litres of less), this will keep you going for quite a while. Fanatic has always made good short boards. Even if you upgrade after a couple of years, this stuff will still work. I still have my original longboard from 15 years ago, and it was not new when I bought it. Of course it also depends on the price......

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