
Is my yearling sway backed?

by  |  earlier

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Does my yearling look swayed backed? if so.... Is that bad and What should i do about it? Here are some pics of him from yesterday.




  1. oh goodness not at all

    allow him some time to grow into him self

    hes just a baby!

    hes gorgeous by the way

  2. Doesn't look like it.

    He is beautiful buy the way, I love the coloring

  3. You asked this question NOT too long ago like 1 month! and the answers were the same!!!

  4. NO he is not. He's a very nicely built horse though. Love his color.

  5. No, just going through a fugly stage as most babies do. The rest of him will catch up with his rump in a while.

  6. No. Young horses grow in spurts. Its typicall for a young horse

    to have a higher rear. My 5 y/o app. is the same.

    He is so cute. Love him

  7. No, he's not, like a lot of people said, it's just because of his age, as he grows,e verything will even out.

  8. No! He's not at all! He's just short-backed which makes him appear so at this age. He'll grow out of it and possibly the short back. Give him time.

  9. Nope he's not sway backed!  When horses grow first their withers shoot up, then their butts, then the withers shoot up and then there butts.  This goes on until they are fully grown (About 4 years.).

    BTW he's a cute colt.

  10. Hi there,

    NO he isn't sway backed, he is in a gawky stage...  BUT, not a true sway backed horse.

    He will probably always have higher withers, but he won't have any problems.

    He has a nice hip!  

    I LOVE paints!!!!  We have 7!

  11. No, he is not sway backed. Hes still growing.

  12. no he is not, he is perfectly fine, my 4 yr old is like that, as he grows, his hind end and front end will continue to go up and down like that, and having his back like that is just a sideeffect for now

  13. No, he's just a high ended horse. He's in that awkward stage so don't expect him to look like that forever. He'll fill out and his body will distribute more evenly. Also, he looks like he is really prominent withered so this too gives the sway look to him.

  14. No, he isn't, and it would be unusual if he were. It's normal for his back end to be bigger than his front end right now- yearlings tend to grow in spurts, depending on the breed. He'll catch up with himself over the next year or so.

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