
Is the only real place to receive your true credit score used by lenders?

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Is the only real place to receive your true credit score used by lenders?




  1. The only place to get the true credit score that a lender sees is to obtain one through a lender.

    Keep in mind that the 3 digit number isn't is actually more important to know what your credit HISTORY is like.

  2. The credit score used by lenders is proprietary.  No website can give it to you.  Many of them can estimate it.

  3. no you can go directly to trans union, equafax and experian and get it.  They do usually charge for it but they are the only three reporting agencies out there.  The others are all just middle men trying to make a buck.

  4. As a lender the other people are incorrect.  The credit score we use is the same as the one you can get through FICO orr through the credit reporting agencies.  Beacon and Empirica are the other scores.

    Many lenders do have a system to internally update your credit report thus updating our score, but that is only internal and shared with investors and mortgage insurance companies.  It's used if you can proved something is incorrect on your credit report, allowing a lender to not have to wait while you resolve it with the credit bureau.

    When we pull a tri-merged report, we get what you get.

  5. Equifax is the parent company of myFico, and has the same info. Lenders get their scoring info from their rapid factual company, or three in 1 credit report service. The reports they get are the same information represented in personal credit reports, just repackaged to show the loan criteria at a glance, easing the job for brokers or lenders.  

  6. Short answer is YES.  The credit score you receive from myfico is what most lenders will use.  While others offer a similar credit scores it is not your actual fico credit score.

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