
Is nascar a sport. please tell me what u think?

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people say it is not a sport? need help




  1. yes and if u think only athletic things are sports...guess what? the tires weigh A LOT and strapping into a car at 200+ miles an hour is pretty hard to do

  2. No it is not a sport because this is what Nascar stands for. :-)







  3. Two words ------h**l YEAH!!

  4. Yes

  5. Well, years ago I remember someone saying, "There are only three sports: Mountain climbing, skydiving and auto racing.  All the rest are games".

    Edit: Thanks, 18 for the fyi.  It was probably 20 years ago I heard that and racks my brain when I can't remember those kind of details!  I should remember it now that it came up again. Mine was the updated 80s version with the skydiving! ;)

  6. i see by looking at your profile that you are probably fairly serious with your question, so i will give you my not-so-humble opinion.

    it is not only a sport (and one of the most popular spectator sports in america at that), but for the fans, it is a way of life.  it is extreme competition that tests the limits of both man and machine.  and although it may seem like it is an individual competition amongst drivers, nascar is an incredibly rich endeavor involving drivers, pit crews, trainers, coaches, mechanics, engineers, teams, owners, sponsors, and a host of other people and entities, not to mention the fans.

    like other sports it has a governing body, rules to "play" by, officials, penalties for rule infractions, arenas (tracks), athletes (drivers and crew members), winners, losers, and champions.  it involves not only tactical processes and decisions out on the track on "any given raceday," but also strategical maneuvering at the individual, team, single-race, and season-long levels.  it also boasts the longest season in major professional sports, stretching from preseason testing in january to the awards banquet in november.

    if that's not a sport, i don't know what is.

    people who say nascar is not a sport either do not understand nascar or don't know the meaning of the word "sport," or both.

    that's my $0.04.

    --kyle's #1 fan

    (proud citizen of rowdy's world, and of the nascar nation)

    ps. ACK, below, that quote is often attributed to ernest hemingway, although whether or not it was he, or barnaby conrad, a writer of the same era as hemingway who wrote it is a subject up for debate.  and the quote usually reads "there are but three true sports--bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. the rest are merely games."  just fyi. ;-)

  7. it's the biggest sport in the world and the only sport known to me

  8. I feel sorry for people like you. Actually i'm afraid of people like you. It's classified as a motorsport (yes). Now, go away.

  9. The word " sport" by definition, means ...any activity that is engaged in competitively. So by definition, it is a sport.

      18 fan has me believing that War is a sport...Wow, what an answer.

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