
Is nature "being delivered from the bondage of corruption" in this?

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sinful world? i.e., natural disasters like hurricanes, floods,

droughts) "signalling the end of times.) Romans 8:21




  1. The End Times will bring about many changes.  The earth has shifted on its axis, but that is not a big worry because it happens as part of the cycle of staying aligned.  The sun switches also.

    Perhaps all of these natural disasters were happening for 5,000 years, but there was no instant access to news around the world.

    It's normal for the tectonic plates to shift, which causes earthquakes, which (when at sea) cause tsunamis.


  2. I am sixty years old and the grand-father of a beautiful three years old little girl. It makes me very sad to see young people like you looking so pessimistically to the future.

    You are young and have a long happy life awaiting for you. Please don't believe in doomdays propheties. If the 'end' must come, it will. But nobody knows when. Since you are quoting the Bible, remember than the disciples believe the 'end' and the return of Jesus was to happen during their lifetime. Two thousand years later, and long after their death, we are still waiting. What makes you think it will happen now? The 'natural disasters?' Do you have any statistics showing that the occur more often now? How do you compare? Was the earthquake that destroyed San Francisco worse than the one that just happened in China? How do you measure it? Which scale do you use?

    If you have extra energy to fight disasters, concentrate yourself on the ones that are man-made: war! March to protest against war and not to tell that the end is near because it is the opposite: the beginning is near. It's up you your generation to make it. Sorry, my generation didn't do very much good. In 1968 I thought we were more clever than our parents but the course of events showed me that it is going extremely slow.

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