
Is nausea a sign that labor will begin soon?

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I haven't felt sick since my first trimester. Now I feel nauseous. I have 8 days till my due date. Did anyone experience this before starting true labor? Thanks!




  1. I've had three sons. In my case I never got nausea before starting labor. Could just be where the baby is pushing against your stomach and other organs because it gets very cramped in there not much room for the baby..... Good Luck...

  2. i did , starting the night before . felt sick and very weak!!! went into labor the following night . my son was 8 days before his due date . congrats!!!

  3. Yes my midwife told me that being sick is your body's way of clearing itself out ready for labour. I never had it but my sister did.

    Another sign is your mucus plug coming away, a thick phlem like discharge. (sorry for the description!)

    Hope you go into labour soon, good luck!!

  4. I didn't personally, but I have read numerous times in different pregnancy literature that nausea is a sign of labor being soon to come!! Good Luck!!!

  5. My sister, who ironically shares your name, always felt nauseous and threw up just before the baby came. The nausea began before the contractions and lasted through the entire labor. You just might want to get prepared. Babies come when they are ready, not when we are, but with a possible indicator like this, you may just have time to get ready. Eight days until your due date means any day really, so, I'd call my Doctor and let them know and see what they think. Also, give anyone who want to be there a heads up on the possibility.Then, sit back and prop up your feet and see what happens.Good Luck!

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