
Is neat Cow manure safe to dig into a veg. garden?

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Is neat Cow manure safe to dig into a veg. garden?




  1. Yes.

  2. ? fresh or matured?

    Fresh NO it's still only excrement.

    Matured Yes it's now biologically a manure.

  3. the question requires a 2 part answer which in turn makes a lot of the previous answers correct.

    yes you can dig fresh cow manure into your garden, the second part ofthe answer is that the manure will be far to hot and acidy to enable you to plant anything in the ground.

    you could dig it in to a patch where you have taken potatoes out. then allow the manure to rot and mature with the rain and weathering, ready toput your winter greens into in about 8 weeks time.

    if you can stand the smell your best approach would be to lay the manure on the surface allowing the rain to weather the manure by washing  a lot of the goodness into the soil. then about a fortnight before planting dig it into the soil.

  4. Don't just put fresh-from-the-b******e cow manure into your garden.  The stuff needs to mature a few weeks.  It's best to place it in the compost pile first so its active ingredients can work with the bacteria in the compost pile.

    If you place fresh cow manure into your garden you risk burning your plants from the high nitrogen in the manure.

  5. I use horse manure

    I never used cows.  as I thought they ate nettles etc and you will get them back in the garden

    But I dont see why not ?

  6. Yes it is.

  7. If by "neat" cow manure you mean "fresh" cow manure, it isn't recommended.  Fresh manure can contain pathogens.  It is also too concentrated and can burn your plants with too much fertilizing action.

    I get "old" dried steer manure from a friend's pasture.  Once the patties are sufficiently dried and cured (about 6 months in the pasture), you can crumble them into dust and use them as fertilizer.

    If the cow manure is purchased in bags, it's already cured and sterilized, so it's safe.

    I compost fresh steer manure by digging a big hole and adding leaves, grass clippings, manure and water and covering the hole up.  Next spring, turn the soil over and you'll have rich black compost to add to your garden.

    Yes, nonsterile steer manure often has grass and weed seeds in it.  I get some very interesting weeds in my garden as a result, but I just pull them up!

  8. no,

    when its fresh it will burn the plants,

    compost it first , then it will be great

  9. Yes you can dig it in straight away when you do your winter digging, however at all other times I would recomend letting the manure rest for about eight weeks or longer before use.

    If you can get it stable manure is better as the animals will have been fed indoors and so no weeds will have been eaten, my brother and I had a dreadfull problem with problem weeds one year

  10. yes     humans have been doing it for centuries.

  11. Yes no problem,It just stinks a bit.

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