
Is negativity drawn to us because we are interested, or open to the paranormal?

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Some people here have been mentioning that if we read certain books, especially on paranormal stuff, or negative entities....or watch certain things on TV that we could be attracting certain energy, or negativity to ourselves. I know in the past when I start to research this sort of thing, it does seem like I have more "unusual experiences". But, if this is true, then wouldn't we all be at risk for attracting negative energy since we're all on here discussing paranormal activity. Are people like us who are interested in this sort of thing actually attracting "something" to us that is causing the very things we are asking about??




  1. If you open your mind to paranormal things, they will come. Its like being a light in a dark room. You just have to make sure you are attracting the right things. All you have to do is put it our there and make it clear that you don't want any negative energies around you. Just because something is "paranormal" doesn't mean it is negative. Just say "I do not welcome negativity into my life"

  2. You attract what it is you focus upon. Negative and positive in the case of the paranormal events is more of a value judgment. What about it makes it negative energy? This might be of interest:

  3. Its true that you can attract positive things and negative things depending on your train of thought. The problem with negative ones is that you spiral into them and are harder to get out of. But if you do, the positives are really rewarding.

  4. Here Go to and scrool on down to the chat they will gladly help you.

  5. Paranormal happens all the time. Some people call it luck, or bad luck, depending on what they get. My husband doesn't believe in the paranormal at all but tolerates my interest. I see the paranormal at work in his life, but he doesn't because he's not looking for it. To him, it does not exist and therefore cannot affect him.

    What we say and think can define our lives. Some of the words we speak in jest or fun, come to pass. We should always speak and think what we want to come to pass in our lives.

    My husband thinks and speaks positive things, and that's what he gets, even though he doesn't believe doing this affects the outcome of his life. I also receive good things in my life but I do believe in them and expect them. There are certain laws that have been put into place from the foundation of the world, and this is one of them.

  6. All kinds of entities are attracted to the higher vibrational level.

    The other thing is that you will become more sensitive to things you would have dissed before.

    You'll know when you get there. When you do ask for help.

    There is a meditation for Pillar of Light in this book that I first used twenty years ago and only just came across it again. If you are being attacked while sleeping it is imperative that you do the meditation before going to sleep.

    Imagine yourself being surrounded by light, then extend the light way up over your head, allow yourself to float to the top and sit on top, then go to sleep. Nothing has ever been able to attack me after this simple meditation.

  7. Hello Devon

    Negativity is a state of mind, so is only drawn to you when it is a part of you.

    Fear of the unknown is negativity, working with what is outside of your field of comprehension can cause fear = negativity.


  8. I do not see the paranormal as negative energy. Does negative energy exist? sure it does but paranormal has nothing to do with negative energy. It has to do with ghosts, ESP. and all things beyond the normal realm.

  9. Good and bad things happen to people all the time.

    Regardless of your interests in the occult, paranormal, UFOs, the Ouija board, or some religious icon.

    But to start associating all negative things with anything paranormal is straight up being paranoid.

    People will post occurrences at their homes or work places, and out of 10 responders, at least 3 will say the person is experiencing a demon.

    What makes them an expert in the field?

    And are they willing to accept the consequences for scaring someone to the point of selling a home or quitting a job?

    99% of the time, there are logical explanations to the alleged hauntings.

    A person just has to be mentally mature enough to decipher logical explanations versus an unexplainable occurance.

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