
Is new orleans the future??

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in the past 3 or 4 years its going to be hit by horrible and destructive wheat her... do u think its the future for all human kind.. where will we run when we have no place to go...?thoughts?




  1. This old earth has always had bad weather, it's just the reporting that got better, the need for "Rolling news" generates hysteria!  

  2. New Orleans is being punished for their sinful ways according to some....

    I just think its bad luck.......

    I hope all are okay

  3. It's a cyclical occurrence.

    Edit: The user above is spot on. Carbon footprints and reducing emissions are simply the latest wheeze that the government are using to squeeze even more money from us.

  4. The world has always had natural disasters, no use being a fear monger

  5. Did you see weather warning, a few hours ago, to evacuate B4 Gustav hits?

  6. New Orleans is below sea level, poorly constructed, and surrounded by levee systems. You can't compare NOLA to everywhere else.  

  7. we will soon have do add a no 6 to the hurricane scale, for storms that are in excess of 250 miles per hour, and destroy everything in their path.

  8. Seems to me it's the present - some part of the world is always being destroyed by the weather.  North India being the most recent I believe.

  9. the question is, weather new orleans has a future. best of luck to all the people down there.

  10. i am 51, so have seen over half a century of weather.

    things have changed in my time, dramatically.

    this is not a man made thing, it has been gradually getting wetter and warmer, all of my life and is a natural event.

    mankind is arrogant if it believes that anything we can do will affect what nature does.

    we have ice ages and we have thaws, i believe that everything will return to the sea and that we are just entering one of those phases.

    mankind and its arrogance, makes us believe that we can change nature and the world is now trying to do something by making us all reduce our carbon footprint.

    the future is not about changing carbon footprints, or reducing emissions or whatever else some bright spark might come up with next.

    It's about changing ourselves and the way we live to accommodate whatever nature is naturally going to throw at us.

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