
Is newly replanted peach tree with drooping leaves now dead?

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Two days ago I replanted a small, peach tree. Then I watered it. Today the leaves are all drooping. Does this mean it will now die or will it come out of it?




  1. water it every day till it takes off on its own

  2. If you planted it from a pot, it's probably just responding to the heat. Plants get tired and wilty on hot days just like we do. Check on it first thing in the morning and see if it's perked up.

    Then, check the soil to see if it's moist. If so, DO NOT give it more water. There are few quicker ways to kill a tree than by overwatering. Overwatering means letting its roots & surrounding soil stay wet too long.

    Here's some advice on watering new trees:

    If you transplanted it from another part of your yard, you've chosen the wrong time of year. You can try making the soil very wet, but you still need to let it dry out a little before you do it again.

    Either way, you can ask your local independent garden center (not the box stores) if they carry a biostimulant. These are products that can help a plant overcome lots of different stresses, including off-season transplanting.

    Good luck!

  3. Most plants will wilt after transplanting because of shock.  However, if you broke the main root while planting you may have caused more damage...but plants CAN recover from root loss.

    Give the plant some time and new, healthy leaves will grow.  And even if the stem died, oftentimes a shooter will grow up from the main stem and grow a new tree.  Give the plant a few months to recover.

  4. you need to water it deeply for at least three weeks.its not dead

  5. It's probably in root shock. A bunch of my plants did that when I took them out of the pots, particularly my big viney plants and my roses. Your tree should come back. Just give it extra attention and make sure it doesn't tump over. I have a bougainvillea and it was big and beautiful and had a ton of flowers on it, and then it fell over in the wind a few times, and the whole thing went bare. But I gave it tons of attention and it's growing back. Many plants do this when they've been transported. Give it time :) It will come back.

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