
Is nintendogs shiba and friends available in english?

by  |  earlier

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All the ones I have found seem to be in a different language, is there such a thing as an english version?




  1. No its only availble in Japanese. the extra version uk got was the Dalmation version instead

  2. when they bought nintendogs to the US, shiba and friends was changed to lab and friends, since labs are more common in america.  the shiba is still an available breed, though.

  3. ummmm i pretty sure there's a English!

  4. Oh, well

    Chihuahua and Friends

    Daschund and Friends

    Dalmation and Friends

    Best Friends

    and Labrador and Friends all have English versions.   :D

    Lab and Friends is the same game as Shiba Inu and Friends, with the same dogs on it, just a different name as Labradors are more well known in the USA etc.

    Good luck, and enjoy the game!

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