
Is not Björn Borg such a hypocrite? read details?

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I mean the guy obviously does not want Federer to beat his record, so he keeps on telling the Media that Nadal is gonna win. He can at least keep his opinion for himself. This is so nasty. I hope Federer will beat Nadal to just beat Borg's *** completely.




  1. he is jealous

  2. borg wants his name written history and record books. i agre with the first guy he will start 2 downplay my rafa. i hope rafa wins. borg is such an a**hole. he cant admit that there r and will be players that r bettter than him. i dont personally care what borg thinks

  3. He's rooting for Federer now.  He sais that he only picked Rafa just for the sake of saying a name.  Such faith he has on Rafa!

    If Rafa wins, i bet he's gonna say that he knew it all along.  

    Oh well, he's Borg but he's not god.

  4. Your wrong. Borg recently changed his mind to Federer. The problem is that after Nadal's dominate performance at Roland Garros he picked him to win Wimbledon. Now after watching Federer's dominance at Wimbledon he decided that Federer has the better chance of winning. He said this before Federer's semifinal match against Safin.

  5. He at first prior to the tournament thought Rafa would win, and now, seeing Roger live, throughout, thinks he will win. Topsy Turvy. You are right though, he definitely doesnt want his personal record broken, but could see Federer playing exceptionally well, on his favored surface. However, he should stick with his guns, instincts, instead of playing games with the media.

  6. Yeah.  I remember Borg didn't want Sampras to win his 5th straight Wimby in 01' to tie his record and actually called Federer to thank him by beating Sampras.  I think that was ridiculous.  Just last month, Borg actually wanted Federer to win the French so Rafa couldn't tie his 4 straight French Open record.  I mean come on, record is made to be broken, not kept.  Give it up Bjorn :)

  7. Just wait until next year where he'll downplay Nadal because he won't want Nadal to beat his 4 streak record of French titles.

    Borg was a great player because of his dominance on two very different surfaces.

    I think the reason behind his demeanor is the fact that he plummeted out of the tour instead of slowly fading away like most of the other greats of tennis.

    Then he tried to make a comeback and looked like a fool.

    Of course he's going to want to have a hold on the record books somehow.

  8. For someone who is so respected in the game I really did expect better from him. Borg has shown himself to be the classless, egotistical idiot that he is.

    This isn't the first time that he has been making these kind of statements about Roger and Rafa. It was last year when Federer was trying to tie his Wimbledon record, that Borg first started downplaying Federer's chances. And then again this year at the French Open you saw him cringing every time Nadal got one step closer to his French Open record.

    What I don't understand from Borg is if he does not want Roger or Rafa to break his record then why the h**l does he bother to show up for the matches. yesterday I watched his reaction when Federer defeated Safin and you could tell how pissed off he was by that.

    It's a real shame that one of the greats in the game will display such classless and self absorbed behaviour. Imagine the message this sends to both current and future players.

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