
Is not eating a certain food caused me to get headaches lately?

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well, first started not eating pork, because i just can't eating dead pigs and plus i like pigs :) then after a couple of years( well now) i stopped eating beef, so now i only eat turkey,chicken, and fish for meat. so, since i stop eating beef, did that cause my head to have headaches? i mean, i just started getting headaches like for the pass 4 weeks or 3. but also the reason why i stop eating beef was because i like cows and i dont believe in eating them, but also because i really want to lose weight. im 15 and i weigh 130 pounds! and plus im kinda short (5'0) so i just wanted to make a change..




  1. I am not a doctor for sure, but I used to get headaches at your age.  Firstly I don't believe that not eating pork or beef could do that.  But really examine your life.  Are you stressed out.  If you are you better pull that stress apart and figure out what it is that is stressing you out.  

    I was younger than you.  I was always worrying about something or other.  The biggest worry was how I was going to do in school.  Grades were hard for me to keep up.  I tried, but still it was a struggle.  Friends also were just not many, and some gave me a hard time.  School was a struggle.  I was the youngest in the class and the tallest.  Go figure.  Trust me if there was something to stress about I was stressing.  And along with all that stress I had headaches.  Sometimes for days.  The only way I could get rid of them was to sleep.  But eventually I had to work out the issues.  To this day, if I anticipate a day that is going to be stressful.  I try to do everything in my power to make it smoother.  Sometimes do things ahead of time.  Spread out the problems that are going to make me stress and get THAT headache.

    Not eating if you eat a lot might give you a headache.  Make sure you are balancing what foods you eat.  Follow the food chart that should help.  If after a few days you still keep getting them consistently you might want to go and have it checked out.

  2. It shouldn't be not eating beef or pork that is giving you a headache.  There are vegetarians all over the world that don't eat meat of any kind, and it doesn't cause headaches, or feelings that you are going to die.  I'm not sure why you are having headaches, but if the headaches are really bad, that might make you feel like you want to die.  It could be you are having migraines, or possibly some sort of sinus problems.  You should talk with a dr. about this.

  3. It's possible that you may have an iron deficiency because you cut out red meat. If that's the case then taking multi-vitamins would help to bring your iron up. Other than that I can't think of what else it could be! Some people need more iron in their diets than others.

  4. Maybe it's not the beef. Watch your blood sugar a lot of time when i don't eat enough food with sugar in it my head goes crazy and i get really light headed and stuff. I usually just eat a sweet treat and lay down for a nap. helps a lot!

  5. I started eating meat as a child before adolescence I became a strict vegetarian at about the age of 16 or 17 I started eating meat again. It never bothered me in the least. You may wish to try a high protein diet people loose weight very quickly on the diet and you never get really hungry or get light headed from it. Head aches can come from a poor diet or not eating.  

  6. I can help! I am a Personal Wellness Coach. Simple carbohydrates (white rice, white bread, sugary refined cereals, toast, etc.) cause an immediate surge of blood sugar level which results to substantial emission of insulin. The insulin removes sugar from the blood turning its excess into fat. The result is a decreased level of blood sugar, and craving for more carbs. This cycle repeats itself 2 to 3 times during the day. You overwork your pancreas. This vicious cycle constitutes one of the major reasons for diabetes, high blood pressure and extra weight.

    This is also the reason why we feel sleepy in the afternoon, get headaches, feel tired during the day, crave for more food/coffee.

    You might not be eating a balanced meal. Get in touch with me to find out how. If you're from the Philippines, get in touch with me thru 0917-8992714 / email me at / YM me at

  7. I doubt it,but you probally need to get on vitamins since your arent taking in the vitamins that you would be getting from red meat,your so young ,its probally just hormones or stress causing you to have headaches,if your still having problems or scared make a doctors appointment and check with him on it.

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